Simple and Direct

  • personal • php • projects • english
  • 133 words

Wordpress is surprising me: I had tried Joombla, Drupal and other minor CMS/Blog system. They was heavy to understand and to use. Too many “personalizations” and “features” that a “simple and with-no-time” user does not require. I appreciate the use of very large characters in the administration interface, that evidence the interest of WP’s developers to make “build a blog” simple. WP offers, also, a simple way to make a personal web site, adding Pages and with the “feature” to do that gerarchically. Finally I can make a personal blog and a personal homepage at the same time… without needs to understand an API framework or the strange and complex structure of a CMS.

When developer understands that make much to much features, does not means to make much to much simple software?