Blog archive
- Serverless chat to reduce office distance
- iPad Simulator in Video and Comments
- Prime Numbers Generator
- "Bidirectionally multiplied" array
- Use Backtracking to print all Subsets
- Money change problem: Greedy vs. Dyn.Pro.
- Calculate abs(int) without branching
- Swap the value of two integers without temporary storage
- Pascal's Triangle generator
- String search in O(n + m)
- Count bits set in parallel
- Largest square array of same integers
- The "Polite" Merge Sort
- Fibonacci's numbers calculator
- I want it!
- YouTube >> The Go Programming Language
- Franz Kafka is an Idiot
- Ragu', Gnocchi and Meatballs
- Housemade Music in Oxford Circus
- Browser Adaptive CSS with AppEngine
- Jesus and Mo
- Back from the Google Developer Day 2008
- Death Star Canteen
- Ferrero Rocher vs Pocket Coffee
- E questo sta ancora in TV?
- Giovanni Allevi - Angelo Ribelle
- LHC is working properly
- Large Hadron Collider goes Rap ;)
- How to waste £200M
- Google Chrome: Is it the next generation of Browsers?
- Boring in the City
- Picture of the Day
- Picture of the Day
- Cooliris releases PicLens 1.7
- Highlander di Alluminio
- Fonejacker
- A new, even bigger City
- Nokia should Learn, not Teach
- Google I/O 2008 - Keynote
- Worse than being unable to Sleep...
- Jigsaw 04
- Jigsaw 03
- Jigsaw 02
- Jigsaw
- Sirjy vs. Ivan
- Firefox 3 Download Day 2008
- Do I have an (ugly) Alter-Ego?
- The Italian Man who went to Malta
- Training Path #6 - 28 Apr 2008
- Training Path #5
- Restraining Order
- Training Path #4
- La prima Nanata
- Personalize your $PS1
- Apache Hadoop on Mac OS X
- T.P. #3
- Lars and the Real Girl
- Video of the Day
- How Google works
- Innovation lesson from Pixar
- New Logo
- T.P. #2
- T.P. #1
- In Italia il crimine paga e potrebbe farti eleggere
- La figuraccia finale
- First Official iPhone SDK Interface Builder Tutorial
- Bonino: altra occasione persa
- Into the Android
- Guagliu'... (La password e' uno dei miei nick piu' famosi)
- Morpherage
- Dove sono (Politicamente)?
- Loop Rebooting iPhone: how to fix it
- The Best 1st of April's Pranks... EVER!
- 585 consecutive minutes among Heroes
- English Humor
- Stephen Fry has opened a Blog
- Il potere da sempre alla testa
- Simpsonized Detro
- JigSaw autopsy
- Clive Owen shakes Madonna
- My iPod Video 30GB on eBay
- Picture of the Day
- Video of the Day
- HiEuro 0.2
- Picture of the Day
- HiEuro 0.1
- Let's start experimenting new flavours
- Google Desktop on (My) Mac
- I love Mountain Bikes
- Una serata nel 1600...
- Better Samba File Sharing in Leopard
- Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon 7.10 - New Features
- Domani si torna in UK
- Grace si Laurea
- H.264 conquers Flash
- Update sul Bimbo abbandonato in Piemonte
- iSync and SonyEricsson Symbian/UIQ 3.0 finally speaking
- Chi lo dovesse riconoscere, chiami il 112
- The more you Hide, The more I want to See!
- The Dead Spinal Cord
- Bejeweled for Free
- 50 days in the Big City
- PySync Google Group
- The first Lady of Scat and the King of Saxophone
- Google London Open Source Jam
- Quanto fa 100 - 5?
- Diamo voce a Piero Ricca
- V. Day
- The only Eye that I miss
- Detro@Last.FM
- Hide-a-Pod
- Video of the Day
- Said by...
- Picture of the Day
- Intervista Scritta a Luttazzi
- Risposta ad OSS|
- Freakin Brothers
- Said by...
- Cosa considerate valore?
- What's your side?
- I SuperEroi
- IRon
- 300 volte Sparta
- Iron a Shirt
- New Zooomr RSS Plugin
- Video of the Day
- Ai romani piace l'Amatriciana...
- Help me with the final Baggage
- HDR experiments...
- Speed up
- Fusion Beta 2 available
- Video of the Day
- OpenSolaris free Starter Kit
- Silk - Seta
- World Time Clock
- How to Make Mac Icons
- la blogosfera italiana insorge
- Video of the Day
- CMS da 45 Milioni di Euro
- Symbian Contract's Package/Box
- My photo on Zooomr
- Secondo me ci siamo
- Pirates doesn't want Vista
- Julian Beever
- MS: «Was DES cracked? Really?»
- Carbon Copy Cloner meets Intel
- XCode meets Mono
- Anche le Pulci hanno la Tosse
- Boicottare la Carne Cremonini
- Learn Cocoa: a new howto
- Picture of the Day
- Ci è sfuggita una sottigliezza...
- I'm looking for a Flatmate
- Contagiousness of Yawning
- I'm IN!
- FeedBurned!
- E la chiamano "Giornata di Informazione Tecnologica"...
- My new PGP Public Key
- Dynamic Google Page Rank for
- Why I love UK? A Bit of Blair and Fry
- The Google Masterplan
- DRM and Jobs
- The BEST Apple Ad
- Happy Birthday - 2007
- I want one of it... DESPERATELY!
- Windows NEEDS Updates!
- Windows Vista vs MacOSX Leopard
- Laurea ad Honorem per Roberto
- Virtualization? Why not?
- Le Scuse Mediatiche
- Il Dildo Cromato
- Il VERO fattore WOW!!!
- Pick a Color, Please!
- Switch to OpenDNS
- SpotlightFS: example of MacFUSE usage
- Solved! Rubik vs. Detro 0-1
- I'd like to buy Vista...
- Dicono che già se ne son viste...
- Questa me la sono persa...
- Density is Everything!
- iPhone Ring Tone
- Teoria dell'Informazione: appunti di Nemo
- New theme for FreshApple
- Stimulating Brain
- Docvert: Convert MsDocs into... anything!
- Multi-Touch experiment... grows-up!
- Ubuntu Studio is coming...
- M. Spencer present AsteriskNOW
- Video of the Day
- Video of the Day
- Ecco svelato il Segreto!
- Why I love UK? Intelligence about Transports
- iPhone: Apple reinvents Mobility
- Testing DashBlog
- La Morte del Volontariato
- Asterisk NOW
- Dashcode public beta released
- Coma Profondo
- Come evitare i Memory Leaks in C++
- Italian Serial Awards 2007
- ... Just the Beginning!
- New Year, Old Stories
- I'm a Lantern?!?!?!? O_o
- VMWARE 6.0 Beta Released
- Picture of the Day
- Why I love UK? A not so serious Monarchy
- Why I love UK? Transports and Related Services
- Why I love UK?
- Picture of the Day
- Se non giochi, non fare le regole!
- Get the most out of ZSH
- Auguri!
- System Rescue CD v0.3.0 released
- Machintosh può farvi più Felici!
- VMWare Fusion Beta Released
- Month of Apple Bugs: another Fake?
- Articolo su VoIP, NAT e STUN
- Video of the Day
- Video of the Day
- Video of the Day
- Video of the Day
- My iceBook and I
- Video of the Day
- The Pathetic Scaramella
- Leopard Technology Series for Developers
- [ebay+sell] MS Wireless Notebook Laser Mouse 6000
- Video of the Day
- PowerUp your Apache .htaccess
- PostgreSQL 8.2 released
- Video of the Day
- Quasi...
- New Page on
- Google Web Toolkit (GWT) for the Mac
- Video of the Day
- Video of the Day/2
- Video of the Day
- Berlusconi usò l'8x1000 per la guerra in Iraq
- Ax: Ma chi ti credi di essere?
- Video of the Day/3
- Video of the Day/2
- Paradossi Napoletani
- Video of the Day
- MacBookPro... sto arrivando
- Video of the Day
- E ci volevo io?
- Video of the Day
- Spanning Sync: iCal meets GCal
- What about a Firefox-based Bro... from M$?
- Resume/CV updated!
- JPound has a new dedicated page
- Video of the Day
- It's OVER!
- JPound su OSSBlog
- FSF Europe libera i CAP Italiani
- My Clound
- MacOSX: "Well Known" TCP and UDP Ports
- Apple HIG: Keyboard Shortcuts Quick Reference
- Picture of the Day
- HVF: Le Particelle Elementari
- Refurbished
- A morte i Genitori-Coglioni
- Picture of the Day
- The Alphabet Evolution
- Havok 4 Presentation
- Frase del Giorno
- Picture of the Day
- A.A.A.
- Log4E
- Picture of the Day
- Resume/CV updated!
- Video of the Day
- Picture(s) of the Day
- Video of the Day
- Forse forse ce lo togliamo dai coglioni
- Picture of the Day
- Video of the Day
- Prove tecniche
- Video of the Day / 2
- Video of the Day
- Blogmusik
- Cool things you can do on Mac
- Peter Callesen: Artista della Carta
- Mac e Cellulari
- Video of the Day
- iMac 24"
- Video of the Day
- Volver: Miglior Film dell'Anno per la Critica Internazionale
- Link of the Day
- My InternetHome.
- Una legge mai applicata... dal 1957
- L'uomo della Zia Enza
- KDE4 su Mac OS X
- Riflessioni su ZFS
- The Terrific positiveness of Apple technician
- Installing a Bind9 Master/Slave DNS System
- Spot "Get a Mac" localizzati
- AuthImage: F**K Spammer in your WP Comments
- Bye bye Pluto
- Video of the Day
- Video of the Day
- JPound 1.0 - First Official Release
- Picture of the Day
- Domino Harvey: storia vera
- Time Machine: La delusione diventa sconforto
- Time Machine: Madonna e che delusione... ;(
- does Wordpress 2.0.4
- Video of the Day
- A proposito dell'Usabilità
- First Dell Store: veramente moooolto triste
- Fun With UNIX Commands
- Specifiche Mac Pro
- Apple Store Down: 2006-08-07 18:00
- Windows Vista più complicato dei precedenti
- Greenpeace hate SUV (and me too!)
- Caro Di Pietro, sono contento di averti scelto/2
- Caro Di Pietro, sono contento di averti scelto
- Regolamentare la TV via cavo basata su IP
- Aptana: advanced IDE for Web 2.0
- Picture of the Day/2
- Picture of the Day
- Ubuntu Counter Project
- Tesla Roadster: quando si prende sul serio il motore elettrico
- Travaglio su Calciopoli
- Contraditio in Terminis
- Picture of the Day
- Parlare di "barzelletta" sarebbe riduttivo
- GLS^3
- Picture of the Day/3
- Picture of the Day/2
- Picture of the Day
- Picture of the Day
- Solitaire
- Picture of the Day
- Picture of the Day
- Engie - Imagine all the People...
- A Search Engine that's becoming an Inventor
- Does M$ Think Different?!?!?!?!
- The Unix History
- Arrived!
- Picture of the Day
- P.U.A.TV
- Mac OS X 10.4.7 Update released
- E poi dicono che i MacBook sono caldi...
- Vittoria del NO!
- NO!
- HOWTO-Make-True-Napoletano-Coffee
- James Bond si rifà il trucco... con un Cluster di PowerMac
- Google Browser (Firefox) Sync
- I love Apple Ads
- Google thinks Different
- Film sui Transformers
- Eldy: Simple-Functionally-Easy OS
- CSS Tweak: Zip your CSS
- HVF: Il Codice Da Vinci
- PostgreSQL 8.1.4 released
- "Berlusco’…" at
- Quelli che vogliono riportare indietro Napoli
- Guerre Stellari in Iraq
- La ruta Natural
- Apple DOES NOT close the Darwin's Kernel (by now)
- Other Ajax oriented GUI Toolkit
- The Console Wars
- GWT: a big piece of code by Big G.
- Dilbert and Google
- Napolitano Tricolore
- MacBook predicted
- Ferrari x 2
- AiutiaManu ;)
- D'Alema al Quirinale? No, grazie
- Senza rimpianti
- Set Me Free Now
- Dheme 0.2
- 25 Aprile: Auguri! / 4
- Howto defragment XFS
- LPI 202 Tutorial on DeveloperWorks: Web Services
- 25 Aprile: Auguri! / 3
- 25 Aprile: Auguri! / 2
- 25 Aprile: Auguri!
- Petizione contro l'Editto "Bulgaro"
- Filesystems serious and realistic comparison
- STILL changes face / 2
- David di Donatello: anche lì lo vogliono far fuori :D
- Generatore Articoli di Libero
- NanoBarze / 3
- NanoBarze / 2
- NanoBarze / 1
- Bertinotti for President
- Earlier... but important anyway
- Linux Io Scheduler
- Firefox Tweaks, Extensions and Optimizations
- Risultati Elezioni Politiche 2006 /7
- Risultati Elezioni Politiche 2006 /6 (la voce di Travaglio)
- Risultati Elezioni Politiche 2006 /5
- Risultati Elezioni Politiche 2006 /4
- Risultati Elezioni Politiche 2006 /3
- Orion: battaglia algoritmica in corso
- Risultati Elezioni Politiche 2006 /2
- Risultati Elezioni Politiche 2006 /1
- Eccola!
- Il fondamentale attimo storico che viviamo
- Ho votato senza turarmi il naso
- Brogli
- Per sapere bisogna combattere il "sapere"
- Tutti contro berlusca / 4 (il Pagliaccio da Salotto)
- Tutti contro berlusca / 3
- Tutti contro berlusca / 2
- Tutti contro berlusca
- Il Blog di Di Pietro
- Boot Camp: Macs do Windows, too
- Developer Works: Using ReiserFS 4 with Linux
- Alla faccia della Par Condicio
- Finita traduzione guida ad Ubuntu Breezy
- New Mercedes-Benz Mixed Tape 11
- Coglioni
- Abbia più rispetto per me Signor Presidente
- Tiger 10.4.6 available
- Darwin on L4
- krugle demo
- Come diavolo farai a comprarti il tanto amato cellulare?
- Ciao Tommy
- ADC's ScreenCasts
- Suggestion/Suggerimento
- WP-SlimStat: Stats, stats and... stats!
- Il CaiNano / 2
- Il CaiNano / 1
- La VERA proposta dell'Unione
- Google as room mate
- Quando c'era Silvio
- Zucconi e le mele
- Il silenzio imbarazzato: nuova dèbacle
- Newsweek: SuperMan salvi l'Italia
- eyeOS: Web Based Desktop OS
- Nestopia: renew NES
- Red Hat Knowledgebase: free access
- BBC: si, son parole sue!
- Presunto Allarme USA: la solita bufala berlusconiana
- Q [kju:]
- Google Finance
- Streaming Italiota su iTunes
- Qualcuno LI fermi
- Era amore
- Il «Guardian»: Berlusconi è il nuovo fascismo
- Andiamoci piano con la sicurezza
- econoMIA
- Five reasons you should use PostgreSQL
- Nooooo, ma va tutto bene... perché nessuno gli crede?
- SketchUp Google Earth Plugin
- Ajax per tutti (gli Italiofoni)
- Ciò che dovreste sapere su Berlusca
- Prodi vs. Berlusconi: NO al Soppruso Vocale
- berlusconi vs Annunziata: Intervista a Enzo Biagi
- goes 2.0.2
- Luttazzi intervista Travaglio
- Un'ora e trenta prima di votare
- The Project for the New American Century / 2
- The Project for the New American Century
- I tempi NON cambiano...
- Porsche 911 Carrera 997 Commercial
- I tempi cambiano...
- Spot 159 SW: l'Arte che eccede
- 1 Linux x 6 Users
- Studiando Cocoa
- Real Simpsons
- STILL changes face
- Microsoft redesign the iPod Package
- Monologo di Luttazzi
- Il Party di Addio di Zio Silvio
- WWJD 3
- Saab Aero-X images
- Il resoconto in Real-Time del Keynote di oggi
- Le pause di Prodi
- Town Hall Auditorium - #4 Infinite Loop
- changes face
- M$ Unveils Win Vista Product Lineup: Sic et Simpliciter!
- Pagani Zonda Roadster F
- NATO-ASI: Magnetic Nanostructure School
- A beautifull Firefox!
- Free Software e OpenSource: Interviste di Teleblogo
- PHP5 Form Generator/Processor
- Ajax, Ajax and... Ajax
- Mac Book Pro: naked!
- New products from Apple at february 28
- Democracy - Internet TV
- Ubuntu Dapper Drake Flight4
- Fiat 126 Roadster
- Il Prestigioso Premio Calderoli
- Tablet Mac: Another Patent
- Take a look at Gnome 2.14
- meebo - IM Ajax based
- Gentoo: the Mactel-Linux Project
- Camino 1.0 released
- Mac OS X Update 10.4.5
- MacBook Pro: more powerful then itself
- P.Z. Roadster F
- Oracle: 10.3 JDeveloper and OC4J released
- iPod of the future: one more... Patent!
- Linus, Linux, i DRM ed il Trusted Computing
- SheepShaver: MacOS Classic on MacIntel
- MacMini-based Server
- Multi-Touch interaction Experiment
- XGL: OpenGL sempre più prepotentemente sui nostri Desktop
- Image Scaling with AJAX
- XGL: wordless videos O_o
- Finger-Zoom: a Apple new patent to increase HCI drammatically
- Tesina VLAN - 03
- Geekbench Comparison: G4 vs G5 vs AMD64 vs P4 vs Xeon
- Soon, Native GTK+ on MacOSX
- Dojo: AJAX in Sun style
- Mappa dell'Open Source Italiano
- Tesina sulle VLAN - 02
- Simple but seminal: Cornell researchers build a robot that can reproduce
- PHP 5.1.2 and PostgreSQL 8.1.2 MacOSX Packages
- Finder Software Engineer: Apple offers work
- La nuova trovata di Forza Italia
- berlusconi: grazie a noi sempre più ricco
- GT4 vs Reality on Nurbirgring
- The wrong-side 127
- Firefox plugins highlight 001
- Trusted Computing: un interessante documentario video in italiano
- Pixar purchased by Disney
- Opera Mini is available worldwide
- Google news became stable
- iTunes U
- iTab: iBook based but... not from Apple O_o
- Ziplight: make Spotlight more curious
- Why the Apple 1 price was $666.66?
- Shiira 1.2.1 released
- MacBook Pro at february 15 2006
- Design Draw with Patterns/Movements/Finger
- L'avvocato digitale
- The House that Apple build
- berlusca: come aggirare la "Par Condicio"
- Quicktime2RSS: sleep much more
- Tesina sulle VLAN - 01
- Autodelta 159 GTA
- Look inside your Mac
- Che cos'é la Mafia?
- Firefox, Thunderbird and Camino: first Universal Binary build
- First Blade Server on Cell
- NetBeans 5.0RC1
- Apple worth more then Dell
- GNU/Linux Command reference
- elilo: boot on EFI machine
- GTK+ howto from IBM DeveloperWorks
- Altri piani per questo MacWorld?
- New Mac don't have Intel Inside logo
- Play WinMediaFiles in QT
- Letter to Apple Support
- Linux != Windows
- It's too late...
- A 3D interface to the planet... on MacOSX Tiger
- Genuary 10 2006 - 05:26pm: Apple store is offline
- Google do the right thing
- Developer Notes for prototype.js
- da virtuale a reale
- Un c@ppuccino per un Pc
- Dove non arriva Telecom, arriva il wireless
- Presentati Intel Viiv e Centrino Duo
- C++0x, il nuovo standard C++
- Russian Climbing
- Una parola come un'altra
- Comicast: fumetti su iPod video
- How to compile aMule 2.1.0 for Ubuntu/Debian
- Intel rolls out Viiv technology, dual-core laptop processors
- iWeb: only a rumor?
- New Apple laptop to feature Intel Robson cache technology?
- Dodge Challenger Concept
- Skype 2.0 is out
- New Windows Vista website
- 8x1000 alla Ricerca
- Clearlooks con Cairo abilitato
- A pensioned woman sues berlusconi
- berlusconi: Greatest Hits
- Louis Braille Birthday
- Democrazia Moribonda
- nohup: leave a command in execution after logout
- Un libro in italiano sul Networking
- 1TB for .Mac users
- A Bug? No, a Feature!
- KDE 4 will run Dashboard Widgets
- Apple Bluetooth device: firmware update available
- Embedding Python in your C programs
- Google Cube: what a joke!
- Murphy ha sempre ragione
- HAN - Human Area Network :D
- Compiling FreeBSD Kernel
- About Viva Zapatero
- Dario Fo sindaco di Milano
- Il discorso di Ciampi: (pura) aria pura...
- XGL screenshots
- Tony Tammaro vi sblocca "vindovs"
- OpenOfficie 2.0 e DB
- L'Italia blocca l'accesso ai siti web-casinò
- PPC G5 Quad cooling system
- Ive has become CBE
- HOWTOs on
- The Open Source software at my Bachelor Course
- Opera: we are and will be independent. It's true?
- L'arte di Pixar in mostra al Moma
- Dell install FF on new machines
- Winners and Looser: Apple is on both sides.
- WineXT: no, not the emulator.
- Gennuary 24 2006: new ATI X1900
- AMD without chips
- Intel, 65nanometers chip
- Intel, new core and new slogan: it's OFFICIAL!
- New layout for
- Migrated to WordPress 2.0
- Feeds Icons
- Happy Christmass / Buon Natale 2005
- [OT] Simpaticissime vignette Mac vs. PCWin
- FIAT 500 attended for 2007
- Programmare il Trackback in PHP
- ThinkGeek T-shirts for *nix users
- Guido Van Rossum go to Google
- 2.0.1 available
- Paper Bookmarks: what's?
- Manage ARA PBX easy
- Google Modules
- iPod: ancor più, il tuo miglior compagno di viaggi
- BlogFS
- Shiira 1.2
- Apple Newton: Apple did PDA
- Google's Top Gainers of 2005
- [OT] The "integrity" of Digital-Graphic-Artists in Italy
- Probably, the next processors for iBook...
- CBT - Computer Based Training
- Fish: a new Unix Shell
- Googled Blog
- PowerPC and Sparc: highlanders?
- Play with Xcode build settings
- ASUS copy Apple Style
- Ariel Atom (500 kg, 300 cv, 50.000 €)
- New pages on
- [Parody] Video iPod = Heavy ass
- Windows Vista will cut off the UI from the Kernel
- WP Plugin: Google Sitemap Generator
- Syllable
- Gentoo Linux - Visual Installer Project
- L'università non sceglie Linux
- Nuova bufera su Fazio e Antonveneta
- iTunes Signature Maker
- Woz sell his home
- MacWorld at San Francisco at January, 9-13 2006
- Google will not sell music...
- Ice Age 2
- Some important curricula/about-web-site
- Luigi Tenco's changing hope
- Your source for TV Torrent Information
- To Blue or not to Blue?
- Where was I?
- APIs for Google Homepage
- Una "Apple Geek-Girl"
- The chance to write motorsport history
- XBOX 360 does not run XBOX games!!! O_o
- A certifiable path to Linux Jobs
- How to clean-up your last Apple Mouse
- The Best Web 2.0 Software of 2005
- DivX 6.0 now available for MacOSX >= 10.3
- Forse un iBook WideScreen e l'addio dei pBook 12"
- New logo for Intel
- Geek's girlfriend: 10 laws
- Simple and Direct
- My first post on Wordpress...
- The best TODO...
- NeoOffice/J 1.1 Stable
- Not a BUG: a Features!!!
- JAEBI - JAva Enterprise BackEnd Interfacement
- Google have googled me!!!
- 2005-06-13: finally, my iPod Mini
- Eclipse: a world of words!
- 3.1RC2... we are waiting for the Final!
- Detronizator become D3tr0...
- ecto: help me to Blog, please.
- Summer-of-Code
- Google: il Monastero della Memoria...
- PostgreSQL 8.0 released
- H.264: il codec per HD DVD
- Macworld San Francisco 2005
- Gentoo Weekly Newsletter: 10 Gennaio 2005
- Bill Gates mostra in anteprima la tecnologia che non funziona...
- Java is Everywhere...
- MySQL 5.0 Beta
- HL²
- La verità delle cose...
- PHP Up-Download Howto...
- How-To per PostgreSQL su MacOSX
- NeoOffice/J: OpenOffice for MacOSX
- Alcotel (seconda parte...) -> Alcotek