Apple DOES NOT close the Darwin's Kernel (by now)

  • apple • macosx • it • opensource • english • projects • x86
  • 201 words

Open Darwin logo In the last week, some blogs and online-technical-newspaper speaks about the Apple’s intention to close the Darwin’s Kernel Source Code for Intel.

Last Friday, Ernest Prabhakar, Product Manager and Open Source & Open Standards Mac OS X Product Marketing at Apple Computer, says:

Hi all, Just to be clear, Tom Yager was *speculating* about why we have -- so far -- not released the source code of the kernel for Intel-based Macintoshes. We continue to release *all* the Darwin sources for our PowerPC systems, and so far has released all the non-kernel Darwin sources for Intel. Nothing has been announced, so he (and everyone else) certainly has the right to speculate. But please don't confuse "speculation" with "fact." Thanks, -- Ernie P. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ernest N. Prabhakar, Ph.D. (408) 974-3075 Product Manager, Open Source & Open Standards; Mac OS X Product Marketing Apple Computer; 303-4SW 3 Infinite Loop; Cupertino, CA 95014

What’s the Fact? Apple did not release the Source of Darwin-Intel Kernel by now. But I think we can expect for an incoming release very soon (can Apple renounces to the Open Souce Community around Darwin? We (and Apple also) MUST consider the big work done by the comunity of