Asterisk NOW
A new distro-based version of Asterisk, with the aim of make a smart-setup of an Astrisk PBX Server easy and quick.
Asterisk® in 30 minutes or less. The most popular open source PBX software, Asterisk®, can now be easily configured with a graphical interface. AsteriskNOW™ is an open source Software Appliance; a customized Linux distribution that includes Asterisk®, the Asterisk GUI, and all other software needed for an Asterisk® system.
Here the homepage of the Project. It have, in my opinion, 2 big features:
- It is completelly web manageable (in the intent of the developers)
- It's based on Asterisk 1.4.0 (a very powerfull version)
Obviously, this project is in keen competition with TrixBox, the oldest distro-based version of Asterisk.
Source, OSSBlog.