Asterisk NOW

  • sw • it • opensource • curiosity • english • projects
  • 121 words

AstriskNow logo A new distro-based version of Asterisk, with the aim of make a smart-setup of an Astrisk PBX Server easy and quick.

Asterisk® in 30 minutes or less. The most popular open source PBX software, Asterisk®, can now be easily configured with a graphical interface. AsteriskNOW™ is an open source Software Appliance; a customized Linux distribution that includes Asterisk®, the Asterisk GUI, and all other software needed for an Asterisk® system.

Here the homepage of the Project. It have, in my opinion, 2 big features:

  1. It is completelly web manageable (in the intent of the developers)
  2. It's based on Asterisk 1.4.0 (a very powerfull version)

Obviously, this project is in keen competition with TrixBox, the oldest distro-based version of Asterisk.

Source, OSSBlog.