How to Make Mac Icons
Are you curious about “how to make icons for Mac”?
And TUAW have something for someone interested in the same thing.
A few weeks ago, Matthew Cone showed us how Macinstruct’s beautiful icons, courtesy of the talented Gary Gehiere, came to be ( In that article, you were shown the beginning stages of icon design – how the meaning of an idea is distilled down to a few carefully placed pixels. The end result, of course, is seen here - on Macinstruct - in the icons scattered throughout the website. But what about the development stage? Unfortunately, icons don’t just spring to life after being sketched out. There are some steps involved in getting your icons from your mind to the web page or the application. This article will be a "rubber-meets-the-road" tutorial on the steps necessary to transform your ideas into reality. This tutorial will not necessarily be the way to do it, but it is one way (my way, actually). At the end of this tutorial, you will have a beautiful* icon with a transparent background suitable for a web page or application. [...]