Not Dead, Just Busy!
No, I’m not Dead. I’m just “very Busy” guys ;)
A lot of things are happening at the same time: as soon as I have more time I’ll speak about it.
I’ll just make a list of things I would like to speak about… if I would have time to do so:
- My new Job in France Telecom R&D UK - Orange Labs and my work inside the Source of Webkit (and a bit of Opera)
- The fact that Joe Nocera was finally kicked in his balls by a proud Steve Jobs about his health
- Symbian going Open Source AND some (stupid?) rumors about Symbian "merging" with Android
- My aiming to buy a Samsung SM2032MW 20" Widescreen TV Monitor- Black (that supports HDMI, DVI, RGB, SCART, 1080p/i and so on... (yes, for a [en:Play_Station_3|PS3] ;) ) )
But… I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing. See you soon ;)