iPad Simulator in Video and Comments
I would have just posted it on Twitter, but I have some comments about this video.
One of the first video of the iPad Simulator
- Watch it in Full screen at 720p: it help "feeling" the proportions used by Apple in the UI
- It clarify how it does execute iPhone apps: they most probably implement the iPhone API as is: indeed even the Keyboard that you get in an iPhone application is the same (no super large/super cool keyboard of the iPad
- I feel that 4 icons per row are too few: there a kilometers between an icon and the next one
- I feel that the hardware home button doesn't fit very well proportionally: they should have used a rectangular button way larger: given the size of the device, is too small
- The amount of free space in the top bar (the one with Battery, Time and Signal Strength) is A JOKE. In there nice little icons of the services running in background, or tickers of latest emails... or something else SHOULD fit
- Integrated Spotlight is a proportional abomination: why the search bar in the TOP has the fixed size of the one used by iPhone? I mean, it takes not even half of all the width it could
- Notification Modal Dialogs (used to ask stuff like "Are you sure you want to delete this app?") is SO SMALL, that in the middle of the screen looks like you should do something else around it. EVEN with the background faded in black: I believe such effect of "prioritization" works as long as the user can't have something else to look at.
- File Sharing!!! It misses a proper Finder Mobile to share files through Bluetooth, USB, Wifi, as well as management of those files! I don't want to email me stuff! And I don't want to pay for an extra software that is not well integrated or it has always some limitations.
That’s my first set. But surely I’ll have more. I need to collect reasons to stick with my position: iPass. ;)