gredirector - 'HTTP 301' through App Engine

  • code • http • script • python • github • source • memcache • permanent • url • redirection • appengine
  • 854 words

When I decided to migrate to this new blog I was confronted by a very important issue: how do I make sure that the (already modest) traffic going to* would be redirected to this new URL?

_301 Redirection_

I started searching and I found this article by Danny Tuppeny on how to use a Google App Engine application to do the trick.

So, what I did was to take his code and started putting it in place for me at But because I’m a Software Developer that likes to make elegant stuff, I noticed that quite few things were missing:

  • It didn’t use any Memcache, so Destination URL were always regenerated
  • Logging was poor
  • Was not really configurable
  • Destination URL were not Checked (i.e. test if it exists) before Redirection

Introducing gredirector

gredirector is an App Engine project that lets you set up your personal HTTP Redirect HUB, with a lot of emphasys on:

  • Speed
  • Configurability (but it could be pushed a even more)
  • Logging

It’s a very very simple application, but I think serves well it’s purpose. See here the main code:

# /
# ...
# Main Request Handler
class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
   def get(self):
      # Perform redirect
      url = get_redirect_url(self.request.url);

      # Check that we were able to build a URL and that this URL actually exists
      if url and (check_url_exists(url) if config.CHECK_URL_EXISTANCE else True):"Redirecting URL '%s' to URL '%s'" % (self.request.url, url) );
         self.redirect(url, permanent=True);
         # Log that we didn't know what this was, and redirect to a good default
         logging.error("Unable to Redirect URL '%s'" % (self.request.url) );
         if config.ERROR_EMAIL_ACTIVE:
               body=config.ERROR_EMAIL_BODY + self.request.url
         self.redirect(config.DEFAULT_URL, permanent=True);
# ...

As you can see, it works in few simple steps:

  1. Generate a Destination URL
  2. If it’s Valid and it Exists (optional) do 3. else 4.
  3. Redirect
  4. Log error and redirect to Default URL

URL generation

To generate the URL, it uses the mapping from the file. Here is a portion of an example configuration:

# /
# ...
# Default URL: if no Redirect URL can be generated, traffic will be diverted here

# Mapping of Source URLs to Target URLs.
# You can choose to map in 2 ways:
#    1) to the new URL maintaining the same Path (i.e. ' ->')
#    2) or to discard the Path (i.e. ' ->')
# Format:
#    URLS = { 'Old Domain': ('New Domain', 'Discard URL Path part and Redirect to Root?'), ... }
URLS = {
   '' % (os.environ['APPLICATION_ID']) : ('', False),
   '' : ('', False),
	'': ('', False),
	'': ('', True),
# ...

The code that actually generates the URL is:

# /
# ...
# Generates the URL to redirect to
def get_redirect_url(url):
   # Search the Memcache
   memcachekey = "get_redirect_url-" + url;
   result = memcache.get(memcachekey) if config.MEMCACHE_ACTIVE else None;
   # Nothing in Memcache
   if ( result == None ):
      logging.debug("Redirect for URL '%s' not in Memcache" % (url) );
      scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(url);
      # Discard any port number from the hostname
      netloc = netloc.split(':', 1)[0];
   	# Fix empty paths to be just '/' for consistency
      if path == '':
         path = '/';
   	# Check if we have a mapping for this domain
      if netloc in config.URLS:
         # Grab the redirect info tuple
         redirect_info = config.URLS[netloc];
         # Root redirects
         if redirect_info[1]:
            result = 'http://' + redirect_info[0] + '/';
            logging.debug("Redirecting to Root: " + result);
         # Paths
            result = urlparse.urlunsplit(['http', redirect_info[0], path, query, fragment]);
            logging.debug("Redirecting to Precise Path: " + result);
      # No mapping, so return None
         logging.debug("No Mapping found for: " + url);
         result = None;
      # Store the result in Memcache for config.MEMCACHE_EXPIRES_IN_SECONDS
      memcache.set(memcachekey, result, time=config.MEMCACHE_EXPIRES_IN_SECONDS);

   return result;
# ...

As you can see, the results are stored in Memcache and reused until expired. A major speed improvement if you ask me.

How do you check the URL?

Yes, I also said that I added a check to see if a Destination URL actually exists, before serving the Redirect. Well, App Engine provides a very nice package, google.appengine.api.urlfetch, and I used it this way:

# /
# ...
# Check if a URL exists, trying a URL Fetch
def check_url_exists(url):
   # Search the Memcache
   memcachekey = "check_url_exists-" + url;
   result = memcache.get(memcachekey) if config.MEMCACHE_ACTIVE else None;
   # Nothing in Memcache
   if ( result == None ):
      logging.debug("Existence of URL '%s' not in Memcache" % (url) );
         response = urlfetch.fetch(url, allow_truncated=True, deadline=10); # Wait as much as possible: 10 sec
         if ( response.status_code == 200 ):
            logging.debug("Verified URL '%s' existence" % (url));
            result = True;
            logging.error("Unable to Verify URL '%s' existence" % (url));
            result = False;
         # In case of InvalidURLError or DownloadError
         logging.error("Exception while Verifying URL '%s' existence" % (url));
         result = False;
      # Store the result in Memcache for config.MEMCACHE_EXPIRES_IN_SECONDS
      memcache.set(memcachekey, result, time=config.MEMCACHE_EXPIRES_IN_SECONDS);
   return result;
# ...

Try it out

This is an App Engine application, so just clone/fork it from, personalize the and push it out on. If you are not a complete newbie to App Engine, it should be really really simple.

301 Happy Redirecting ;-).