Minification and Templating for Bloggart
I’m sick home, but I can’t just sit in bed. It’s not how I work: I need to do something. So, I decided to give some love to Bloggart and put into proper code some features I already said I wanted to add.
I just committed on my Bloggart fork quite a list of things:
- Support for JS and CSS ‘Minification’ (no obfuscation though)
- Support for JS and CSS ‘Templating’ (i.e. Being able to use App Engine Djiango Template grammar into JS and CSS files)
- Support for JS and CSS ‘Memcaching’
- Show line numbers for ‘<pre>sourcecode</pre>’ areas in posts
Even though this is simple stuff, two of them stand out I think: Minification and Templating. Why? Because even if those are not complex or new, they speed Bloggart up even more! Let me spend a couple of words on it, so that it can be useful for you, even if you are not planning to use Bloggart.
How I implemented Minification and Templating in Bloggart
The magic is made of 3 parts. First, a new URL handler in the app.yaml file:
# ...
- url: /.*\.(css|js)
- url: /static/([^/]+)/(.*)
static_files: themes/\1/static/\2
upload: themes/[^/]+/static/.*
# ...
This routes requests to CSS and JS files to a new Request Handler,
# ...
class CssMinifier( webapp.RequestHandler ):
def get( self, requestedCssFilename ):
cssPath = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( __file__ ), 'themes/%s/%s' % (config.theme, requestedCssFilename) );
if ( not os.path.exists(cssPath) ):
util.setErrorResponse(self, 404);
cssRenderingResult = None;
if ( config.memcaching ):
cssRenderingResult = memcache.get(cssPath);
if ( cssRenderingResult is None ):
cssRenderingResult = template.render(cssPath, { 'config' : config });
if ( config.logging_level != logging.DEBUG ):
cssRenderingResult = cssmin.minify(cssRenderingResult);
memcache.set(cssPath, cssRenderingResult);
self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/css'
self.response.out.write( cssRenderingResult );
class JSMinifier( webapp.RequestHandler ):
def get( self, requestedJsFilename ):
jsPath = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( __file__ ), 'themes/%s/%s' % (config.theme, requestedJsFilename) );
if ( not os.path.exists(jsPath) ):
util.setErrorResponse(self, 404);
jsRenderingResult = None;
if ( config.memcaching ):
jsRenderingResult = memcache.get(jsPath);
if ( jsRenderingResult is None ):
jsRenderingResult = template.render(jsPath, { 'config' : config });
if ( config.logging_level != logging.DEBUG ):
jsRenderingResult = jsmin.jsmin(jsRenderingResult);
memcache.set(jsPath, jsRenderingResult);
self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/javascript'
self.response.out.write( jsRenderingResult );
application = webapp.WSGIApplication([
( '(/.*\.js)$', JSMinifier ),
( '(/.*\.css)$', CssMinifier )
], debug=True )
# ...
The minification is done using a couple of libraries that I’ll mention in a second. Templating is transparently applied BEFORE Minification, so that the Theme developer (me most probably) can use code like the following to Bundle JS and CSS in as less HTTP Requests as possible:
/* CSS code... */
{ % include "another_file.css" % }
/* more CSS code */
The actual business logic for the minification is done by lib/ and lib/ from Douglas Crockford.
If you are a Python App Engine developer, I hope you find useful this _simple-yet-effectiv_e technique.