GhostDriver: almost 50%
This post is long overdue. It’s weeks that I HAVE TO write it and yet couldn’t find the time to put it together. Oh well, better late than…
Since my talk about GhostDriver at the Selenium Conference 2012 I have received lots of interest from the community about GhostDriver: finally a WebDriver for PhantomJS.
If you haven’t followed me so far, a quick catch up: I’m working to implement the WebDriver WireProtocol on the top of PhantomJS, so to leverage our favorite headless browser. The project is proceeding, even though not as fast as I would have liked: you can find details about the current status in the “official” and/or checking out the “Implemented Commands” spreadsheet.
We have implemented almost 50% of the WireProtocol. Not as far as I’d like this to be, but with my current workload it’s a good thing it’s moving.
Contributions, finally!
I say “We” because I have been joined by Alex Anderson: Alex has quietly started submitting patch and providing a very good push toward completion. He is contributing many commands and spotting bugs. He has even created a dedicated test suite, written using Geb.
Others are trying to help as well, and that is great. I only ask a couple of things to a potential contributor:
- stick with the coding style I have set
- if you can’t “infer” my coding style, we have a problem already
- if you want to make a radical change, be ready to motivate it
- code speaks better than any promise
- tests are a great way to start your contributions
- this is not a democracy (sorry), but win me with reasoning and I’ll bend backward to do what you suggest
Am I being too demanding? :)
Changes to PhantomJS needed
GhostDriver is being a great “benchmark” for PhantomJS: having to implement a protocol that is designed for real browsers, current limitations of PhantomJS are popping out.
If you have took a look at the README I mention above, you have probably noticed that to run GhostDriver you need to use my personal branch of PhantomJS called ghostdriver-dev. That contains changes to make PhantomJS do what the WireProtocol demands.
I have managed to merge the current status of this branch back into PhantomJS and it’s part of the freshly baked 1.6 “Lavender”. Some interesting new features are:
- Page rendering to Base64:
page.renderBase64(format = "png")
- Page
- Callbacks for
andwindow.prompt(text, value)
- Info about the hosting Operating System:
What’s coming
Well, while Alex is pushing in new commands, my next focus is windows handling: a WebDriver needs to be able to manipulate and move focus of execution across all the open windows. That’s another thing that requires work on the PhantomJS side, as we currently don’t support that.
But Qt is awesome and I’m confident it’s doable and will probably be not that hard.
Wish us good luck: we are not there yet, but we are well motivated.
Can I ask you a favor?
If you plan to use GhostDriver inside your project, could you please leave a comment? Who are you? What you work on? How is GhostDriver going to be useful for you?
Thanks. Knowing stuff like that would give me some perspective.