Few things about me
Writing about myself has always been hard for me. It’s difficult to be balanced between being honest, avoid false modesty and saying true, genuine things about oneself.
Just remember: this is a sort of blog of a Dad, and Engineer, a Geek, a Technologist, a Neapolitan, a Cook, a Passionate individual. Passionate AND Opinionated.
Who am I?
I’m Ivan De Marino. I was born in Naples, Italy, on the

I Graduated in Computer Science at the “Federico II” University of Naples. Since than I have working on all sort of technologies: from Mobile/Embedded Systems, from Web Development to Browser Testing, to large scale, massively multi-threaded systems.
It’s all about the problem that is worth solving, and the solution that is worth paying for!
Where do I live
After moving to the UK in 2007 and living for 8 years in London, 6 of which with my then-girlfriend-now-wife Alessandra, I have now moved to Wokingham in Berkshire, where my mommy and I have built a family with Leonardo Antonio and Riccardo Patrizio Lucio.
What do I do
I parent 2 super-energetic, beautiful, intelligent boys; I code (sometimes in the open), but mostly for work; I study, I watch, I read, I listen, I play, I cook (a lot!), I eat (too much!) but mostly I do things with passion: either I do it right, or I’d rather not do it at all!
You can find about my career on LinkedIn. And if you can bare my thick Neapolitan accent, find my talks here.
There is then a plethora of other places where to find me: look for links to other services on this website.
My opinion are solely my own and do not express the view of my employer. All content of this website follows this simple but important rule.