Multi-Touch experiment... grows-up!
This project (see the video) is insanelly evolving and GROWING! Comments would be useless and never enough… Source, GadgetBlog. The video follows. </embed> ... read more
This project (see the video) is insanelly evolving and GROWING! Comments would be useless and never enough… Source, GadgetBlog. The video follows. </embed> ... read more
It’s a new Ubuntu-based distro: it is a “pro-target” Ubuntu, designed for: photographers printers audio editors … and so on. Coming this April... Ubuntu Studio. A multimedia creation derivative of Ubuntu. Ubuntu Studio is aimed at the linux audio, video and graphic enthusiast as well as professional. Source, OSSBLog. ... read more
</param></param></embed> Mark Spencer, developer of many Open Source projects like Gaim and, obviously, Asterisk, and founder of Digium, shows us how much simple is to start a PBX with AsteriskNOW!. I spoke about AsteriskNOW here, at the time of its presentation. Source, OSSBlog. ... read more
</param></param></embed> Title: 3D morphable model face animation by Volker Blantz This demo, if real, shows a new and fantastic system to make 3d model of our faces. With only one photo, the system can extract our face-structure, in a simple and powerfull way. Obviously, applications are infinites. Source, Gamesblog. ... read more
</param></param></embed> Title: SNL - Steve Jobs iPhone Abstract: Steve Jobs shows the Apple iPhone on SNL Jan 13, 2007 ;) ... read more
Tutte le Donne si sono sempre chieste come si fa a catalizzare l’attenzione di un Uomo quando è tutto preso dalle “sue faccende”: l’esempio più classico è l’Informatico. Noi siamo una razza speciale, che oltre a proiettarsi fuori dal mondo con la mente, entriamo anche in un altro universo (Internet) dove sguazziamo e ci muoviamo molto più agevolmente che nella ... read more
In England, in Bristol and Leeds Town, an experiment is underway: normal Cars can take the bus and taxi fast lane if it carry one or more passengers. It’s called “car pooling” and it aims to grow-up the ratio people/car. Probably this experiment will fail because a great number of families are “nuclear”, with one, two or, at maximum, three ... read more
I think its so useless to spend any kind of word. Go to the (very busy) official iPhone presentation page… and wait for June (or October if you are in Europe… or 2008 for the rest of the world). Gorgeous!!! O_o ... read more
This post is made using DashBlog, a widget for Dashboard (MacOSX) ... read more
Quel che più conta però, è che la SiSE (Siciliana Servizi Emergenza, n.d. Detro) è una Spa, cioè una macchina economica, a tutti gli effetti creata da un ente che per statuto dovrebbe essere «disinteressato». Ad oggi due interrogazioni parlamentari - Verdi e Rifondazione comunista - hanno chiesto chiarimenti sull'ente e sui rischi di «privatizzazione» di una attività pubblica, che ... read more