[ebay+sell] MS Wireless Notebook Laser Mouse 6000
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</param></param></embed> Title: Firefox Ad Abstract: The nicest Firefox Advertisement ;) ... read more
Here is a collection of “code snippets” about the .htaccess file of Apache. Take a look: it’s full of usefull things. It remembers to me about a very little howto (in italian) that help to make multiple web-sites on the same machine… without virtual-hosts: a very little and poor self-production. ... read more
The BEST Open-Souce RDBMS (not only for me), becomes better than itself. 5 December 2006, Washington DC (LISA Conference): The PostgreSQL Global Development Group today announces the release of version 8.2 of the PostgreSQL object-relational database management system. This 14th public release adds features, maturity, and performance requested by business users, delivering manageability comparable to leading enterprise database systems. Version ... read more
</param></param></embed> Title: SpaceNavigator Demo on Google Earth Abstract: Created by 3dConnexion (Logitech), SpaceNavigator, is a mouse that allow to navigate on 3d axis from the most common applications (like GEarth). The most important news? It cost ONLY 59,00$!!! ... read more
… Peccato, c’ero quasi! ;) </param></param></embed> La prossima volta mi impegnerò di più!!! Ho comunque una perplessità: Il medico era già lì? Un genio previdente? Sapevano che sarebbe successo? Ah, per quelli di voi che non mi conoscono (dubito) e che penseranno “male” delle mie parole, rispondo solo una cosa: «Se non sperate nella sua scomparsa, come in quella di ... read more
English: Today I have added a new page to my site: Publications and Self-Productions. In this page I’ll list my (few) publications and every self-producted documents/papers/articles/pdfs. Take a look, if interested ;) . Italiano: Oggi ho aggiunto una nuova pagina al mio sito: Publications and Self-Productions. In questa pagina listerò le mie (poche) pubblicationi e ogni documento/articolo/pdf auto-prodotto. Dategli un’occhiata, ... read more
On 16 Nov 2006 Google release the new version of GWT (Google Web Toolkit). As experts probably know, until this release GWT was not “develop-able” on MacOSX. But the music is changing… Edit Nov 22 2006: On the Official GWT Blog: After a couple weeks of fixing all the issues our developer community has so diligently reported in the issue ... read more
</param></param></embed> Title: Microsoft, Wake Up and Smell Defeat! Abstract: Craig bemoans the fate of the newly released "iPod killer". Zune, launched on the market few days ago, is getting only bad reviews and comments, and it’s the target of every show-man in the USA. I’m not surprised about this: Zune have NO APPEAL!!! Look at EVERY iPod: the Apple’s product ... read more
</param></param></embed> Title: Scanline Flowline VFX Subtitle: Photorealistic CG water from SIGGRAPH 2006 ... read more