Multi-Touch interaction Experiment
A movie about the technologie which Apple has reacently pattented. It is not a movie made by Apple but by some researchers: </embed> On Google Video. Some toughts here. ... read more
A movie about the technologie which Apple has reacently pattented. It is not a movie made by Apple but by some researchers: </embed> On Google Video. Some toughts here. ... read more
XGL: tutti ne stanno parlando ultimamente. Ci sono articoli in ogni dove su XGL ma… che é? Prendiamo da Wikipedia: Xgl is an X server architecture, started by David Reveman, layered on top of OpenGL via glitz. Some say that it is seen as the future of the X.Org Server, but some disagree because it requires a 3D graphics card. ... read more
It’s powered with prototype.js and nice! If you use the slider control to capture input values, it’s really just a matter of converting those values into something useful and modifying styles. <script src="" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script> <script src="" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script> A simple demo. (a Cut&Paste from the source site ;) ) <div style="margin: 10px 0pt 10px 100px;"> <div id="track1" ... read more
INCREDIBLE!!! AMAZING!!! SUPER!!! POWERFULL!!! GREAT!!! Videos are on linuxedge. Source, OSSBlog. ... read more
Mac Rumors talks about Apple Tablet Patents: A search at the US Patent and Trademark Office reveals a number of new Apple patent applications that relate to the long-rumored Apple Tablet based computer. One of the most relevant: Gestures for touch sensitive input devices - Methods and systems for processing touch inputs are disclosed. The invention in one respect includes ... read more
Finalmente! L’esame é fatto (30!) e posso pubblicare la mia tesina. Buona lettura (per chi fosse interessato). Edit 2005-02-05 02:32 - Molti di voi mi dicono che il link non é raggiungibile. Io li ho provati tutti più e più volte. Non so cosa dirvi a parte che mi dispiace e che non dipende dalla mia volontà: a me funziona ... read more
On there is a comparison between… 1. Mac Mini 1.42 GHz * 512 KB L2 cache * 167 MHz system bus * 1 GB DDR 333 SDRAM 2. iMac G5 2.1 GHz * 512 KB L2 cache * 700 MHz system bus * 1.5 GB DDR2 533 SDRAM. 3. iMac Core Duo 1.83 GHz * 2 MB L2 cache ... read more
Soon you may be able to execute Gnome/Gtk+ based programs NATIVELLY NATIVELY on Quartz without the X11 Emulation. Someone (thanks to exist) is working on the porting. It may be the incipit of a new era for Open Source software on MacOSX. Take a look at this. One of the most interesting characteristics of Gnome-oriented applications is the coherence between ... read more
Dojo is the Open Source JavaScript toolkit that helps you build serious applications in less time. It fills in the gaps where JavaScript and browsers don't go quite far enough, and gives you powerful, portable, lightweight, and tested tools for constructing dynamic interfaces. This project has Sun behind itself: on Downloadblog there is a post dedicated to a Videocast of ... read more
Java Openbusiness ha messo online un servizio per poter archiviare il proprio OS Skill e mostrarlo su una mappa che raccoglie le competenze italiane in tale settore. Come c’era da aspettarsi, utilizza Google Maps e le relative api JS. Sembra proprio una cosa interessante ed intelligente da fare: a colpo d’occhio ci si rende conto del fatto che questo fenomeno ... read more