To Blue or not to Blue?

  • 44 words

Ok ok. Excuse me, but I can’t resist :). Personally, I use a different style for a different emotional-status (in other words, change the Aqua theme one month at time). Vote for your preferred here. ps Obviously, it’s only for (cool) Mac users :D. ... read more

Where was I?

  • 15 words has a new amazing skin: Here is the homepage of the Phoenix Project. ... read more

Una "Apple Geek-Girl"

  • 126 words

Seguo il suo blog da parecchio ormai. Di tutta risposta a questo, ha postato il suo “modus-vivendi” di coppia, con particolare riferimento a quello che la Mela genera in lei (consciamente ed inconsciamente). ... Il fast user switching non è mai abbastanza fast. Finisce che lui usa il mio account e mi scombina un po’ di cose senza volerlo. Una ... read more

The chance to write motorsport history

  • 72 words

It’s TRUE: Audi will run on the 24 Le Mans with a Diesel motor; a TDI engine. Official Site. Comment (in Italian) of I love cars, and I hate cars (they are destroying the planet), and read about the utilization of a diesel-based engine to run for the 24LM it the sign of a new time for the diesel. ... read more

XBOX 360 does not run XBOX games!!! O_o

  • 82 words

I really don’t know that before (article in italian), but it’s REALLY ABSURD!!! I (ipotetically, I HATE MS(not the cigarettes ;))) had spent much money for some games and now, if I want to buy a new Xbox 360, MS does not make the console “immediatly retrocompatible” but… I need to spend other money for a “plug-in” (I don’t know ... read more

A certifiable path to Linux Jobs

  • 116 words

You don't have to have a Linux certification to get a job working with Linux, but it can't hurt. Simply working on Linux is easy. Join a Linux community like The Debian Project, Red Hat's Fedora, Novell's OpenSUSE, or half-a-hundred projects and go for it. Of course, you won't get paid, and 95 percent of the work on Linux projects ... read more

How to clean-up your last Apple Mouse

  • 44 words

Mighty Mouse, beautiful, whiteful, cleanful… but your hands are not “fever-clean”. And because we LOVE the white of the Apple-Style, here is an article (in italian) about this: MelaBlog. Here, you can find the article released from Apple: How to clean your Mighty Mouse. ... read more

The Best Web 2.0 Software of 2005

  • 65 words

Interesting article of Dion Hinchcliffe about the best Web 2.0 application of the year. ... So in spirit of the holidays, here is a list of some of the best Web 2.0 software that I've come across so far. You may have heard of some of these, but hopefully you'll find a few nice new Christmas presents under your Web ... read more