Ferrero Rocher vs Pocket Coffee

  • 335 words

Sono sempre stati tra i miei “candies/sweets/cakes” preferiti (quando si tratta di cose piccole e veloci) (ovviamente, incomparabili ad un bel Baba’ ;) ). Il loro concentrato di cioccolata abbinata a Caffe’ o Nocciola e’ un “Marriage Made in Heaven”. Ma non sono qui per parlarvi di questo. Che sono un chiattone lo sapete gia’. Sono qui per parlare dell’ennesimo ... read more

E questo sta ancora in TV?

  • 176 words

</embed> Cioe’, Saviano riceve la solidarieta’ dall’Ordine dei Giornalisti perche’: [...] ha aiutato anche l'informazione a capire meglio come la criminalità organizzata corrompa e devasti tante zone d'Italia. Dobbiamo a lui, come a Rosaria Capacchione, a Lirio Abbate, a Pino Maniàci, a Nino Amadore e ad altri giornalisti, una fondamentale opera di risveglio della coscienza civile. Le parole di Saviano ... read more

LHC is working properly

  • 97 words

Today, 10th of September 2008, the final, complete, clock and anti-clock wise test of the Large Hadron Collider was a major success. The LHC is working and ready to start to “crash protons”… and probably blow up your (our all) mind ;) . 4.5K-1.9K: brrrrrrr Some interesting links (that are updated on a frequency of 15/30 minutes): LHC Cooldown Status ... read more

Large Hadron Collider goes Rap ;)

  • 74 words

</param></param></embed> Some scientists working on the LHC at the Cern of Geneva had a cool idea to make people aware of “what” they are going to do. On the 10th of September there will be the First Beam (more info on the official website/blog), and I like the way they make sure people understand it’s NOT the end of the ... read more

How to waste £200M

  • 18 words

</param></param></embed> How can I say it without being unpolite with M$? … I simply can’t! [Original Source:] ... read more

Google Chrome: Is it the next generation of Browsers?

  • 100 words

I don’t have an answer to this, it’s too early (we don’t even have a screenshot of it). But I strongly suggest to take a look a the Google Chrome Comic Book: a very new, fresh, funny and precise (!!!) way to introduce an incoming software. They discuss a lot of different topics: Problems they wanted to solve Performance Process ... read more

Google AppEngine resources

  • 171 words

In the last period I’m spending some time working with Google AppEngine: if you don’t know what is it, be ashamed! :P I would like to highlight a couple of interesting resources that can make the life of who works with this framework/hosting platform/cloud computing system easier: Google AppEngine Cookbook with a lot of good recipe (there are few now, ... read more

Winners of the Android Developer Challenge I

  • 71 words

Google finally announced the winners of the First Round of the Android Developer Challenges. There are 10 x $275,000 prizes and 10 x $100,000 prizes. $3,750,000 in prizes!!!. Not bad I must say. There are some pretty cool apps, with a very clean and nice UI: demonstration of the power and flexibility of the Android Graphical Widgets Framework. Take a ... read more

Android Market: Google is that serious

  • 172 words

About the news itself, I invite you to spend 2 minutes to read directly from the words of Eric Chu on the official blog. Said that, what is not defined yet (just the screenshot you see here) is Security. Better, what exactly they have in mind? Just put on the Market WHATEVER the developer will come with and leave to ... read more